Thursday, 16 January 2020

Evolution of Kratom Over the Years

There is a lot of rumors revolving around Kratom and its origin. It is interesting to know that Kratom has traveled a long way to become what it is today. Nowadays, Kratom is like a household name. Hence, we decided to take up this topic for this week’s blog. Without wasting time, let’s get going.

Kratom: Origin

Before being packed as powder and capsules, Kratom is an herb that belongs to the coffee family. Kratom products are prepared from the leaves grown on these Kratom plants which could be as tall as 30 feet. The herb natively grows in the tropical forest region of certain countries in Southeast Asia like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and others.
It existed in those countries for thousands of centuries away from everyone’s knowledge. It was a matter of pride and stature in the natives’ lives. They took it as an eminent part of their culture and life. However, people beyond the boundaries of those places were unaware of Kratom. Many years passed in this way. The evolution of the herb has been a very slow expedition. Now, let us tell you how kratom, the herb became our very loved, miraculous Kratom products.

Kratom: Evolving Over the Years

The entire world was progressing in terms of trade and commerce, hence, the tropical countries of Southeast Asia too felt the need. They considered exporting the Kratom herb for their economic growth. Unfortunately, the exporting was a time-consuming method back because of which the leaves rot when it reached the destination. Hence, the exporters started drying the leaves to extend the shelf life before sending it. This idea paved the way to Kratom’s glorious future.
Gradually, people started learning about the herb. A Dutch colonial botanist named Pieter Willem Korthals for the first time delineated the leaves and nicknamed it Mitragyna Speciosa. According to him, the shape of the kratom leaves was similar to a bishop’s mitre.
Later, in 1907 Kratom was officially recorded in certain research when L. Wray sent its samples to the University of Edinburgh. In 1930, another study conducted by I. H. Burkill appeared. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted.
Amidst all these, Kratom silently reached the western half of the world. With every passing year, Kratom is getting more and more popular. keeping up with its growing fame, the vendors are also working hard to make it handy for everyone.
  1. The dried leaves where first powdered which gave us the Kratom powder.
  2. For utter convenience, the powder was then encapsulated in gelatin shells.
  3. Nowadays, there are extracts and resins of Kratom available.
Though Kratom has been getting popular, it was not readily available in the market. However, in the last decade with the technological advancements, the Kratom producers and the customers came closer allowing the later to enjoy 100% pure and best Kratom products.
Often, we are discovering new and unique Kratom strains, Kratom forms, in fact, new Kratom products. We are talking about the revolutionary CBD Kratom by Krave Botanicals. The leading Kratom manufacturer has combined both of our favorites CBD and Kratom, Krave Kratom in CBD Infused Kratom.
Today, you can finally enjoy a myriad of Kratom strains and products from the best kratom vendor online; Krave Botanicals. They offer you free shipping as well. Order your favorite Krave Kratom Samples to test the strains and get started!
Powder Maeng 3

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